
Posts Tagged ‘shopping from the couch’

It’s Friday and I am posting this on Friday, March 15; you may not see this until June for all Feedly cares, but I don’t think I have any control over that. This is kind of a cranky way to begin a blog post, so, as I say to Carla: Let’s try that again.

It’s Friday! I am coming off a night of broken sleep (child coming in at three, returning to bed around four, husband waking up for the day at five thirty), so let’s have some Friday bullets. 

1. Are you as steeped in the Kate Middleton drama as I am? If you have no idea what I’m talking about, a) bless you and b) here is a really thorough explainer. If you are In It, I highly recommend finding a friend who is similarly obsessed so you can text her memes and links to conspiracy theories at all hours of the day. My personal opinion is that Kate is recovering from surgery, probably doesn’t look or feel her best, and just wants to recover in private until Easter as previously planned and communicated by the Palace. BUT, simmering in that dark gross part of me that enjoys drama, especially when it feels very removed from my own boring non-royal life, I am kind of hoping that someone is pregnant with someone’s love child.

2. What kind of snacks do you keep stocked in your house? I ask because we have become friendly with our new neighbors and they invite us over all the time for all manner of things. While I am a little intimidated by reciprocating with A Real Meal (they are incredible cooks and bakers, and every time we’ve been invited to their house the food has been astonishing in both quantity and quality), I am ostensibly fine with having them over for drinks and snacks. The other day, the kids went sledding and we had them over for impromptu cocoa. Luckily, we had cocoa mix in the pantry, and even more luckily the mix had tiny marshmallows, and even more luckily, we had an unopened bottle of spray whipped cream because one of the neighbor kids informed me that he really likes whipped cream on his cocoa in a tone so grave I understood him to mean that something dire would happen if no whipped cream appeared. But then there are all these kids and their parent in my house and I realized I DON’T HAVE ANY SNACKS. It’s not that I don’t enjoy snacks; it’s that I enjoy them too much. We managed to scrape together some muffins I had in the freezer and some individual bags of chips and veggie straws that we had leftover from some party or other, so no one starved. But it made me feel like I need to have at least some snacks on hand. But what?!? I’m not crazy about having a bunch of cookies around, because they either go uneaten or get devoured in two seconds. If we have chips, I will eat the chips. Cheese and crackers aren’t big among the elementary school set, and it’s not like I can have an emergency brie on hand for last minute guests (or can I?). Fresh fruits and veggies, yes, great, and I try to have those around as much as possible, but we don’t eat enough of them to have a ready supply in the fridge at all times. Occasionally I panic buy a bag of clementines, but at least a third of them inevitably go bad before we can eat them. So: shelf stable snacks that appeal to kids and adults but are not so appealing that my family will eat them before we have guests. Is this a thing? 

3. In vanity news, I have been Influenced to buy several things lately. I really like this very inexpensive multi-use highlighter stick. Of course I cannot find the video that originally persuaded me that this was an essential tool in my (non-existent) makeup game, but I like dabbing it on the inner and outer aspects of my eyes and swiping it below my eyebrows for a little bit of lively glow. Totally worth $2.94. The other thing I’ve already tried enough times to recommend it is this bronzing mousse. The weather is edging ever closer to summer, and I don’t want to scare the new neighbors with my fish-belly legs, so I’ve been practicing in the hope that I can add a little lifelike color to my skin before I appear in public in running shorts. I am always on a quest for the perfect fake tan, and this is the closest I’ve gotten. The things I like best about it are: a) It’s dark when it goes on, so you can SEE where you are applying it, and you can also see if you are introducing streaks to your thighs or stomach before the streaks have become one with your skin. b) While it has a scent, as all tanning products inevitably do, it strikes me as much fainter and less objectionable than any other tanning product I’ve ever used. c) The resulting tan is darker than my normal skin tone, but not so dark that it screams FAKE TAN. (I use this tanning mitt to apply it to my body which works really well and helps prevent streaking.) Once again, I have no idea which account suggested this tanning mousse, but I am a fan.

4. One of my current parenting goals is to provide more opportunities for Carla to spend time with her friends. I think I’ve mentioned before that I hate playdates. They fill me with anxiety, because they are both forced social time – sometimes with parents I don’t know well – and because I have no idea how to deal with more than just my one child. For better or for worse, that’s just how I am, and so we haven’t had a ton of playdates. But now that Carla is older, playdates presumably no longer require that social element AND the kids are old enough that I can give them a lot more independence. I used to agonize over how I was going to entertain two whole children, and so I’d gravitate toward things in my comfort zone, like baking projects or crafts. Unfortunately, those things require a lot of prep and supervision and clean up, so they aren’t relaxing or easy. But now I can pretty much let the kids go off and play together. Sometimes we all take a walk outside, and I’m always happy to take a walk, even if the kids ask me to pretend I’m not with them.

Even though playdates are, in many ways, easier now, I still of course have anxiety about them. I find myself fretting about planning An Activity, just in case. I find myself worrying about what happens if the kids get into a fight or misbehave or want food (it always comes back to snacks!) or want to be on screens the whole time.

This is so silly! When I was a kid, I don’t think my friends and I EVER had An Activity. We just went and played Barbies or roller skated in my basement or played school or ran around outside or played house. I can’t even imagine asking my mom or a friend’s mom for ideas. And snacks were not provided by the parent! We scrounged up our own snacks, and I don’t even remember a parent being present for any snacking. In fact, part of the fun of going to someone’s house was checking out their snacks. (Not as fun: eating any sort of meal at a friend’s house, because they had different foods than I was used to and different rules. THAT filled me with anxiety.) I loved my friend J’s house because they had an entire drawer full of candy, and you could just… eat candy when you wanted to! J, notably, was pretty uninterested in the candy. I loved my friend R’s house because her garage freezer was STOCKED with popsicles. At my house, we always had little bags of chips or Zingers in the pantry and Dilly Bars in the freezer and pickles in the fridge. (R and I used to each eat a pickle when we were at my house.) So I am guessing that kids DON’T CARE either what they do or what they eat at playdates. They will figure it out. And yet. We have two playdates on the schedule in the next few weeks and I am already stressing about it. I am planning to be Mean Mom and put a ban on screens, but beyond that… I don’t know what to do or what not to do. Wow, I wish I could chill out about this. 

5. You know something that always feels like magic to me, even though it’s science? Topology. Various algorithms keep serving me videos of topological experiments – because I keep watching them when they appear in my feed – and my mind cannot grasp the mathematics/physics. My dad taught Carla how to make a mobius strip and even seeing him create it with my own eyes doesn’t help me understand how or why it works. It’s witchcraft.

What are you up to this weekend, internet? And, more importantly, what kind of snacks will you be eating?

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It’s March! A new month! Spring is inching ever closer! I am feeling so much better today. No fever, and I SLEPT last night, which is everything. I still have no voice to speak of (ha, unintentional pun!), which is more annoying than I anticipated (our house has a lot of stairs and I tend to holler at people rather than walking to where they are which is EFFICIENT) and this infection has fully settled in my chest, so I am coughing at ALL TIMES. (Do you have a go-to cough drop/cough syrup? I have been drinking a LOT of green tea with honey but I think I need to pull out the big guns.) 

I am feeling a little KEYED UP, I feel so much better, is what I’m saying. Like maybe I’ve had a full pot of espresso or a fistful of cocaine instead of three sips of my normal tea and zero cocaine. So I guess… Prepare yourself for even more exclamation marks than usual. (I added an exclamation mark after that sentence, then deleted it. It looks mean, now. Mean!!!!)

Let’s have some Friday bullets, shall we?!

1. With all of my Feeling Better Verve, I am making muffins. We had some sad bananas on the counter (we have the Proverbial Banana Problem of either going through bananas more quickly than we can supply them or ending up with an entire bunch slowly liquifying on the counter. So the first order of business is banana chocolate chip muffins, which are in the oven as I type! I have still not gotten around to making the apple cinnamon muffins I mentioned a while back, but I have left all the muffin making ingredients on the counter (which makes me itchy) AND I have already washed all the muffin making equipment (bowls, measuring devices) to prompt me to make Batch 2 as soon as the banana muffins are done. Why not make them simultaneously? Why not, indeed! It is because I have only one set of silicone muffin cups and they are currently in service. Clearly, I need to get another set! These muffins are intended for the freezer – I mean, that’s my intent for them; I can’t speak for the recipe writers – and I find I prefer to reheat a naked muffin rather than try to disrobe a frozen muffin in a paper wrapper. This reminds me that I would love a better muffin freezing solution than the one I have (Tupperware rectangle). Surely Amazon has a product that is designed for this highly specific need? YES! Do I need a muffin fresh storage container just for this purpose? Yes, I think I do!

2. The only problem with making muffins is my oven. I think I have mentioned before that we have two ovens (!!!!!) and that neither of those ovens heats properly (womp womp). For instance, my banana chip muffins required a baking temperature of 350 degrees Fahrenheit. I set the oven to 450 degrees. When it had reached approximately 325 degrees, my oven alerted me that it had come to temperature. Yes, I get it, we’re all eager for muffins. (I only know the “real” temperature because we got a thermometer to put inside the oven.) This would be sort of okay if the oven held a consistent temperature difference – like, if I set it to 450 but it reliably stayed at 350. (Although that would be problematic for dishes that require a temperature of 450, because the oven dial only goes to 525.) Except, no, it does not do that. It slowly continues to heat. This is true of both ovens! BOTH! I hate it, thanks. Let’s be clear, though: I do not want to replace the ovens. Especially because one of them is a Big Fancy Oven that costs more money than I care to imagine. But I also can’t go on like this. I suppose what this means is Another Phone Call!!!! Woo! 

3. It’s that time again: I need new walking shoes. I don’t know WHAT I do to my shoes, but at some point, the vertical section of shoe that wraps around the back of your heel inevitably fails. And by “fails” I mean there is a big hole through which the plastic starts poking painfully. Do I have horns sprouting from the backs of my heels? I am contemplating ordering another pair of Brooks Ghost shoes – they are what I was using, and I liked them. They are also a lower price on Amazon than I’ve seen them. But maybe I just want a cheapo pair of Asics? These are the shoes I wear around the house all day every day and I like them just fine. 

4. We keep inching our way toward finishing Carla’s room renovation. Well. Not really a “renovation,” per say. We have painted the walls and bought a bunch of decor and are now trying to make her space usable. In this house, she has ample space: an enormous bedroom PLUS an enormous craft/toy room. It is The Dream, truly. Unfortunately, we haven’t figured out yet how to make them workable for what she likes to do. (“Crafting all over her bedroom” is NOT THE ANSWER.) The craft room is a big mess right now (but behind a door so I don’t have to see it!!!!). We want to get her a drafting chair so that it’s easier for her to work at her crafting “table” (which is a door balanced on top of several storage units). We want to move one of our couches into that space (we got a new couch for the basement, so now we have too many couches), to give it a cozier feel. She also requested a second bean bag chair. And we want to organize everything so that all the paper and foam and pompoms and markers have A Specific Home. (Do you think we need a label maker for organization purposes? I’ve wanted a label maker for a long time but haven’t made it past putting various label makers in my various digital shopping carts.) It’s a big project and we’ve been limping toward the finish line for a long time. Will this be the weekend we complete it?!?! Probably not, but a girl can hope!!!!

5. Speaking of things I keep wanting to buy but haven’t yet, I am feeling lately like I NEED a stick blender with a cup attachment. Probably I don’t, considering I already have an immersion blender (which I cannot find! they all seem to come with cup attachments now!) and a regular blender, which came with a smaller cup I use for making dressings and single serve smoothies. But it looks so useful! So many delicious recipes on Instagram are made with one of these guys!

Okay, if I continue in this vein I am going to spend too much money and wear out my 1 key. By the way, the muffins are done (and I have left the oven on, set to 375 and the temperature seems to have evened out at 350), my child is awake (and off from school today, whoo five day weekend!!!!!), and I need to go make muffin batch number two! 

Tell me something you want to buy but haven’t yet done so.

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Due to a series of events, some planned and others not, last weekend was a five-day weekend, followed by one day of school, and now we have begun a three-day weekend. Keep in mind that our two-week winter break ended a mere two weeks ago.

I adore my child. And yet. This is not ideal. 

  • Do you have a planner you love? I think I might need to become A Person Who Uses A Planner, and I don’t really know where to start. I have looked through planners on recent trips to Barnes & Noble, Target, and Joann Fabric. There is no dearth of options, which is probably what’s tripping me up. All I have been able to settle on is that I don’t want a bullet journal. I have a feeling the people in our blogging community have Strong Planner Feelings, though, so I am hoping you will direct me to The One True Planner.
  • Speaking of planning, I am floundering when it comes to finding a workable structure to my days and I keep wanting to post about it (and beg you for advice) but I worry it is too boring a topic? 
  • I can now add “dismantling a doorbell” to my list of skills I never thought I’d need. A month or so ago, our doorbell started making a weird buzzing noise. It did this intermittently for a day or two and then stopped. But then it started again on Monday! And continued buzzing every ten or so seconds, directly outside my office. Fortunately, my doorbell was very low wattage, so it was easy to disconnect the wires from the buzz-causing things they were attached to (I added “doorbell dismantling” to my skillset, not “doorbell understanding”), wrap the exposed wires in electrical tape, and close the whole thing up again. I suppose I will soon be adding “replacing a doorbell” to my list of skills.
  • Snow days are kind of boring these days. We used to do a LOT during snow days of yesteryear – probably I whined, then, about not being able to have time to myself; am impossible to please – Carla loved the snow and seemed entirely impervious to the cold. We’d play outside and make snow angels and build things out of snow and she’d climb up the snow mountains formed by the snowplow. Now, she has no interest. And also it is QUITE chilly so I’m not really pushing for outdoor time. She is similarly uninterested in: watching movies, baking things, playing games, reading, doing chores/homework/instrument practice. So. Screens it is, I guess? “More screens,” I should say, since this is – checks notes – Day 6 of being mainly inside. Maybe there’s a craft we could do together? But that requires having the appropriate tools/materials on hand. Or maybe I just need to lean into the screens thing and read some of the blogs I’ve been neglecting???? 
  • To counteract the cold this week, I made a really good lentil soup. It was based on this recipe, with some major modifications. Instead of crushed tomato, I used a 4-ounce can of tomato paste. I didn’t have much paprika, so threw in a half teaspoon of cayenne instead. I tripled the garlic because that’s how I roll. I used an entire bag of lentils, rather than 2 cups (I think it was about 2 ½ cups, but I didn’t measure; I just didn’t want a little useless scrap of lentils lying around). And I used two 4-cup cartons of chicken stock to compensate for the lack of tomatoes and the additional lentils. It is delicious and hearty. 
  • To pair with the soup, I toasted some store-bought sourdough. Except our toaster has joined the throngs of quiet quitters and is now declining to toast, so I broiled the bread in the oven and it got all black and smoky. Clearly I need a new toaster. I am tempted to replace our toaster with the exact same model – this one lasted at least a decade, after all – but maybe you have a toaster you are gaga about?
  • As long as I’m dabbling in some online shopping, I would also love to buy a travel mug for my tea. This has never been a thing I’ve wanted before, as I drink my tea first thing in the morning and I gulp it down so fast it barely has a chance to cool. But for various boring reasons I think I might prefer to drink my tea while driving Carla to school. I’ve borrowed one of my husband’s to-go mugs for this purpose, and it’s fine – it keeps my tea warm, it fits in my car’s cup holder, it holds the enormous volume of tea I drink – but I want my own mug. Perhaps more importantly, I’ve found that unless I’m very careful, the tea will slosh up over my face when I’m lowering the mug after taking a sip. I do not care for that. My main criteria for a travel mug, in addition to the above, is that it is dishwasher safe. And I don’t mean the wishy-washy “well, you can dishwash it, but we don’t recommend it.” I mean, it is MEANT for the dishwasher. This one looks good, and it comes in purple and doesn’t seem to have any tiny parts I have to dismantle before dishwashing. This is the one my husband has used for years – and has repurchased several times when one mug goes missing or gets dropped one too many times. But I don’t like the lid and I can’t explain why. This one is so pretty, and I feel more kindly toward ceramic as a material than I do toward stainless steel… but the dishwashability seems a little suspect. (How can the product care instructions be “machine wash” but also “hand wash only”?) What is your hot drink to-go mug of choice?
  • I am having a frustrating email communication issue with someone. The communication is not optional, but it feels very one-sided, with me reaching out and waiting for days and then sending a nudge and then also getting a third party involved to nudge from a different direction. And now the person I am communicating with has finally responded and said they would attach a document I need in order to move forward, but they did not attach this document and have not responded to my request to resend the attachment. I guess the only next step is a phone call, which I HATE, but it seems like it might be my only recourse. 
  • Trader Joe’s Italian truffle cheese is my new favorite cheese. It’s soft and truffley and pairs so well with a buttery Ritz cracker that I’m thinking of having some for second breakfast. 
  • Twice in the past three weeks I have borked my back doing strength training. The first time, I have no idea what I did to injure my back. I could barely move for the first day and then sitting and driving were agony for three or four consecutive days. I treated the pain with ice and Advil. This time, I think I injured it either doing squats with weights or back rows. My best guess is that I tweaked my back doing the squats and then the back rows exacerbated the injury to the point where I had to quit. I love squats so I feel quite bereft at the thought of not doing them for awhile. I’m guessing something in my form is off? Maybe I need to hold the weights at my chest instead of at my sides during squats? I don’t know. Immediately after my back tweaked out (I was in the middle of this routine, where we were doing 100 reps each of squats, pushups, kettlebell swings, and back rows. Very frustrating to have to quit at 50 of each! Will I ever know if I could have done 100???), I did a series of back stretches, then took Advil and iced my back. It feels much less painful today than it did the last time I hurt it. This is an extremely boring bullet point, but I am including it for Future Me, who is bound to repeat this injury at some point. 
  • Are you watching the newest season of True Detective? There’s only been one episode so far, but I keep thinking about it and eagerly awaiting the next one. It’s got Jodie Foster and Alaska and supernatural elements and mysterious deaths and disappearances. SO GOOD. I haven’t felt this excited about a TV show in a long time. 

That’s all I have for today, Internet. I am going to try to cajole Carla into doing some sort of screen free activity with me. Brownies, maybe? Who can resist brownies?

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“You look tired.” That has to be one of the most irritating sentences ever uttered, no? I mean, it’s not HELPFUL. And if you ARE tired, which you probably are, it just makes you ALSO feel like you look like a used dishrag, which is not the look anyone is trying to achieve. 

A family member used to say that to me almost every time we got together, to the point that there became a need for A Conversation. Fortunately, the commentary has since stopped.

It’s a good thing we are not planning to see this family member anytime soon, because the commentary would be ACCURATE. These days, I feel like I just look SO TIRED. This is probably because I AM tired, even though there is no real reason for being so tired. I lead a low-stress life; I typically go to bed at a reasonable time and rise for the day at a reasonable time; I should be perky and well-rested. 

The thing is, I am NOT. This is in large part because I am a terrible sleeper, and I am trying to work on that. I read a really fascinating article recently, about why so many of us are waking up at 3:00 am every night. You do this too, right? I do. Whenever I wake up in the middle of the night, I can be pretty sure it will be at 3:00 or 4:30. Sometimes both. The aforementioned article has some insights and potential fixes that I plan to implement, but right now I’m more concerned with the aesthetic impact. 

I have always sported dark undereye circles; that’s just how my face is designed. (This is why the Tula Rose Glow cooling balm is one of my longtime favorite cosmetics.) But lately, I feel like the tired look has become exponentially worse.

For one thing, my eyes are super puffy for the first few hours of the day – like my eyelids have decided to provide their own cozy comforters for the night and are declining to put them away once I wake up. Plus, the crows feet at the sides of my eyes are SO aggressive these days. I keep thinking that they are sleep wrinkles, from pressing my face into one position on the pillow for too long. But… I am beginning to realize they may just be WRINKLE wrinkles. 

Also, I have developed wrinkles across the bridge of my nose, that extend over onto my upper eyelids, like my body is etching its own goggles onto my skin.

Listen, I want very much to be able to wholeheartedly embrace Nicole’s pro-aging philosophy. And in general, I do. But when it comes to whatever is going on with my eye area? I am a fan of NONE of it. Not one thing. 

We live in 2024. There MUST be products that can address these problems and, if not improve them, at least make me feel like I’m Taking Action. (I do wear sunscreen on my face, and I have been moisturizing with Bag Balm, per recommendations from, I think, Birchie and Elisabeth, so I am taking some preventative action already.)

I recently read about these silicone anti-wrinkle patches and they are at a price point that makes me feel pretty strongly about giving them a try. They have options to address forehead wrinkles and mouth wrinkles and undereye wrinkles and hand wrinkles and more, but nothing for the crows feet area. 

From a brief foray into wrinkly eye area remedies, it really sounds like retinol is the best option… but I’ve had Issues with retinol in the past, so I’m reluctant to give it a try. 

I would give some eye masks a go, though. These undereye gel patches get good reviews and have peptides which are supposed to help moisturize and smooth fine lines. Maybe a cooling eye mask would be good, too, especially because I am more self-conscious about my upper-eye puffiness. 

Beyond those things, it looks like the only options are more invasive, like lasers or Botox or fillers. And maybe I need to explore those ideas… but the thought of doing so makes me even more tired. 

What are you doing to keep yourself from looking like you haven’t slept in ten years? Tell me all your secrets – even those that involve retinol or Botox. 

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It seems like it is probably TOO LATE to take advantage of any gift ideas at this point; so many gifts, even on Amazon, are marked “arrives after Christmas.” Fortunately, we live in an area that has a large number of stores, so we can buy things in person. But I don’t particularly like going into stores. I suppose this is the tax I am paying for procrastinating. 

Anyway. Here are some of the items we are getting for family members, items I’ve asked for, and items I’ve considered. In case you need inspiration – or in case, like me, you enjoy looking at gifts lists and feeling consumeristic panic build inside your soul reassuring yourself that you have done a decent job after all.

Also, if you know me in real life and we tend to exchange gifts: This is the point where you should stop reading, because I am going to spoil the surprise. (All images below from amazon or the website linked in the product name.)

Photo by George Dolgikh on Pexels.com

Stanley Tumbler: This was Carla’s number one most fervently requested gift. EVERYONE has a Stanley, she told me. I did notice, when I volunteered at her school’s Book Fair recently, that quite a lot of kids have one. And it seems like most parents I’ve spoken to are getting their fifth grader a Stanley for Christmas as well. One of my friends said that her daughter’s teacher even suggested having “a Stanley day” in class, since so many of the kids had one (which is problematic in a lot of ways, but hopefully the teacher realized that after the fact and will not bring it up again). So I think this is a case where Carla has a fairly realistic read on the situation. (As opposed to “everyone has a phone!” which is patently false.) I will just say: I think this is an impractical and ridiculous item. The thing is enormous; it has a straw, which means it will be prone to leaking and also prone to molding; it is much too expensive for what it is. And yet I also understand the joy of receiving a thing that is completely on trend. So Carla is getting one. If it arrives in time for Christmas, which it may not. 

Straw Covers: The Stanley requires accessories. Sigh. Fortunately, these are adorable and may help prevent leaks? At least they will provide a tiny bit of germ protection for the straw.

Puzzle: My husband is an enthusiastic puzzler, so I always like to get him a new puzzle for giftish occasions. This one seems like the perfect intersection of difficult but not too difficult. We ended up not getting this one for him, because my daughter wanted to order a custom puzzle that featured a photo of her with her dad, but this would have been my pick if she hadn’t felt so strongly. 

Disney Puzzle: My sister-in-law requested a Thomas Kinkade Disney puzzle – I guess she and my niece have a collection of them, which I think is so sweet.

The Last Devil to Die by Richard Osman: This book is on my own wish list. I adore this series. 

ASL Flash Cards: I haven’t yet done so, but I’m leaning toward ordering these American Sign Language flash cards for Carla. (And for me to share.) One of our family members is losing their hearing, and we’ve discussed learning ASL so we can all continue to communicate. I feel like a class would be a better method, but these flash cards get good reviews and we all need to start somewhere. 

Derwent Watercolour Pencils: My mother recently started learning how to paint with watercolors. She is so talented, it blows me away. I think she has all the supplies she needs for painting, but I came across these pencils and they sound like a fun way to add detail and texture to one’s watercolor art. Not sure if these will be something she ends up using a lot, but hopefully she will have a good time experimenting with them. 

NeeDoh CatsCarla has loved the NeeDoh balls in the past, and these cats are CATS, so I know she will love finding these in her stocking. Oh my gosh: there are PIGS too. Now I’m not sure what to do. 

Slow Horses by Mick Herron: My husband specifically requested this book, so I’m getting it for him. (I really wanted to get him The Bee Sting by Paul Murray, but my local bookstore doesn’t have it.)

Stuffed Owl: My niece is really into Harry Potter and requested a white stuffed owl. An easy thing to say yes to!

Hogwarts Robe: As long as we’re on the subject, this dress-up robe would be perfect for my niece or other Harry Potter fans.

Harry Potter Sweets: We also got my niece some HP candy for her stocking. 

Truff Hot Sauce: The regular Truff was a hit last year, and this year I’m getting the white truffle version for my husband. Or maybe I will buy mini bottles and give one to everybody.

Chocolate Tasting Kit: My husband sent me a link to a bar of chocolate, and since he has been terrifically difficult to shop for this year, I immediately went to the website to buy it. I noticed that there was a $55 threshold for free shipping, so perused the other options to see if there was anything else I needed to get him, and indeed! there was! I found this chocolate tasting kit, which would be so fun to do with guests OR with a daughter who loves chocolate as much as her father does. I also got a second kit for my parents, because I think they might enjoy doing a chocolate tasting party with some of their new friends. Long and boring story with a really great payoff alert: When I placed my order, I forgot to add the second tasting kit to my cart because I am an idiot; thinking about buying a gift is not the same as BUYING THE GIFT, you heard it here first. I immediately emailed the company to see if they could add on another kit to my existing order but did not hear back, probably because it was a Sunday. The next morning I got a notification that my order had shipped, so – worried about getting things in time for Christmas – I ordered a second tasting kit separately and paid a dumbass tax for shipping. THEN I got an email that they were going to send me a tasting kit and waive the shipping! So I had to call the company and ask if they could cancel the order I’d placed. And they did. I spoke to a real human being, who answered the phone after one ring, and who was completely lovely to speak to. So even though I do not like chocolate, this company has won my undying love and affection right out of the gate with their superb customer service.  

Comfy: My daughter and husband bought me a leopard print Comfy a few years ago. My daughter adopted it and wears it all the time. Lately, she has been wearing it to sleep in so that she can get away with sleeping on top of her covers, which means she never has to make her bed. Gotta love a loophole. Anyway: my mother-in-law admired Carla’s Comfy when she visited recently, and so we are getting her a Comfy for Christmas. 

Karaoke Microphone: Carla loves to sing and has been asking for a karaoke machine. This microphone seems like a good bet. Despite the complete disinterest of the children in the photo, whose hands look fake to me and also why are they wearing wigs. 

Guitar Strap: This is one of the few things my husband specifically requested for Christmas, so he is getting one. 

Leopard Print Heart Pillow: I am resisting buying this with all my might. Carla would LOVE IT. But… we just got her a bunch of new throw pillows. BUT IT IS SO CUTE. AND SOFT. AND LEOPARD. Do you need it? Does someone you know need it? It should be boughten. 

Super Mario Wonder: This would be officially for my husband, but it’s a game he and Carla could play together. 

The Mysterious Case of Rudolf Diesel by Douglas Brunt: This book was specifically requested by my father-in-law, so it’s exactly what he’s getting. 

Temporary Tattoo Pens: We have not had good luck, in our house, with things like makeup and face paint. But I know Carla would love these. Sigh. 

Glitter Tattoo Art Kit: Oh wow. This is even better (and more potentially problematic for my particular kid) than the tattoo pens. 

Friends Socks: My best friend needs these.

The First Cat in Space Ate Pizza by Mac Barnett: My daughter loves graphic novels and Mac Barnett and cats, so this seems like a no brainer.

Ember MugMy sister-in-law is getting this keeps-your-coffee-warm mug for Christmas. My husband has one and LOVES it. I guzzle my tea before it has a chance to cool, but for people who sip their coffee over long periods, this would be perfect. 

The Ferryman by Justin Cronin: This book is on my own wishlist, but I’m also getting it for one of the avid readers on my gift list. 

Bean Bag ChairI am really wishing we waited for Christmas to buy this chair. Carla loves it SO MUCH and it’s big enough to have a real impact on Christmas morning. WHY did we not wait???? (My husband is of the opinion that a chair is not an appropriate Christmas gift, that’s why.) Anyway. Maybe you have someone who needs this chair. It is GREAT. 

House PlantThis was one of the things I asked for this year. I would love to get a new house plant, especially if it’s one that requires very little in the way of attention or care.

Puck Sling GameI am on the fence about this one! I think my husband and child would like it, and it might be fun to have another game that Carla can play when the neighbor kids come over. But… will it be fun enough to play more than once??

Tea Light Raclette: This may be something I have thought about for my mother-in-law before, but if so, I am thinking about it again. She loves raclette, and this takes up so little space.

Dogtown by Katharine ApplegateWe got this for Carla for Hanukkah and she LOVES it. Has already finished it. If you have a kid who likes animals and stories told from the perspective of an animal, this is a good one. 

Pet Adoption Truck Clay Craft Kit: This is another Hanukkah gift that was a huge hit. So many tiny clay dogs being made around here. We will probably get Carla another kit from Klutz for Christmas (maybe the candy cart?) because she loves them so much. 

Book LightI had zero ideas – ZERO – for what to get a friend of Carla’s for her birthday, so we went with a bookstore gift card, a bookmark, and a book light. Carla was very envious of the book light, so now she will get one in her stocking. 

Bier Stein: We have an honest-to-goodness bar in our new house, and I think my husband would really like some fun beer steins from European breweries. 


Fountain Pens: Listen, I do not know why Carla wants these. All I know is that we saw them in a store and she said, with intensity and fervor, “I have always wanted a fountain pen.” They will fit in a stocking; done

Little Live Guinea Pigs: I feel like Carla is aging out of toys like this, which makes me want to buy her ALL THE TOYS. She loves these ridiculous Little Live Pets so much. So. Much. 

Wordle Game: My sister-in-law turned me on to the existence of this game; she’s getting it for my mother-in-law. And I am in turn getting it for my parents, who do Wordle religiously. (Don’t we all?)

Walkie Talkie Robot: I hate robots. HATE. Carla is obsessed with them, and asks for them constantly, and yet once she owns one, she uses it five times and then it languishes forever in a closet. But. She put this item on her Santa list (does she still believe in Santa, or is she humoring me???) and added a note that said, “Please! Please!” so this is what Santa is getting her. I cannot wait to become super annoyed with it and then watch as she forgets about it in a week. (I know Elisabeth would say, “Just say no to a gift you will resent,” with her typical gentle zen, but I am not there yet, Elisabeth!)

Decanter: My father is getting a decanter this year. I liked the simplicity of this one, and the wood and leather accents add a nice masculine touch.

Taylor Swift T-Shirt: My kiddo is, like everyone else, obsessed with Taylor Swift. I like the positivity of this sweatshirt featuring a Bejeweled lyric. Or this T-shirt, also featuring a Bejeweled lyric.

WarmieI feel like my daughter and my niece and everyone (including me) needs a warm-up-able stuffed animal. 

Jog Belt: It seems a little weird to be thinking about the pool when it’s 30 degrees outside, but I think it would be fun to have a jog belt to wear in the pool. I don’t really like to swim, but I’ve heard that aqua jogging can be really good exercise.

Kendra Scott Gem Pendant: This is another “all the kids have one!” item on Carla’s wish list. Fortunately, her grandmother is buying one for her. 

Bag Balm: Why yes, I do buy myself the occasional stocking stuffer, and this is going in my stocking this year. Thanks to Elisabeth and Birchie for the recommendation! 

Pikachu Squishmallow: While my child does not need another stuffie, like, at all, she did request a Squishmallow… and she loves Pokémon, still, for some reason… so Santa is bringing her this. Please read this entire bullet with the concentrated resignation that I felt when placing the order.

Opopop Discovery KitI have a family member who is a HUGE popcorn fan, and this variety pack would be such a fun way to honor that passion. 

Nodpod Sleep Mask: I have been having such a hard time sleeping in our new house because the lighting situation is so different from that in our old house. And I wake up so easily. Maybe this would be the solution?

Clip On Earrings: Carla still doesn’t have her ears pierced (topic for another post), but has been Very Interested in earrings of late. Her grandmother bought her a pair of these clip ons, and she wears them ALL the time, I think specifically because they look like they could be real earrings for pierced ears. 

Hot Sauce: My husband loves these hot sauces. We lost them all in a power outage earlier this summer, and I know he would love a new set.

Pink Scrunchies: Carla is wearing her hair in ponytails or up in a clip lately, and pink is her new favorite color, so I think these would be a massive hit.

Claw Clips She is also very much into claw clips, and this is a nice variety of colors and shapes for not a whole lot of money.

One More Chapter SweatshirtPretty much everyone in my family could relate to this sweatshirt.

Bonne Maman Gift Box: For your jam loving bestie. (Or, in my case, husband.)

Soup Bowl with Handles: This was a request from my mother. How could I resist Snoopy??? Although I have to admit, I was strongly tempted by this set of colorful polka dot mugs, which would work well as soup bowls. I have a set in a more regular size, and I looooove them. So cheery. I also really like this soup and sandwich combo.

Colorful Tights: Carla has been really into wearing shorts over black tights this year. I wonder if she would be interested in adding some colorful tights to the rotation?

Yoga Mat: This is on my wish list (thanks to Nicole for the recommendation!) and I am hopeful that my husband will surprise me with it. 

Bar GlassesThis is me really stretching for gift ideas (my husband’s family sends wish lists around to one another, so I have to come up with SOMETHING), but it might be fun to have some new drinkware for the bar. We don’t have any old fashioned glasses. I like these elegant beer glasses as well. These are fun (they feature the Rockies!) but seem hard to clean.

Bananya Card Game: My daughter has become recently enamored of a ridiculous “show” on TV about these little cats that live inside bananas. I think it is targeted to a MUCH younger audience, but she thinks it’s adorable. She would love this game, and cards always make for good stocking stuffers.

Mini Espresso Machine: My husband has been talking about getting an espresso machine… but then explicitly told me not to get him one… but he keeps talking about wanting one. So I am fretting a little about whether I should have bought him this or not. Will I panic buy it at the last moment? Who’s to say. 

Strange Sally Diamond by Liz NugentBirchie recommended this book to me and I loved it and now I am buying it for one of the book-loving people on my gift list. 

Waffle Maker: What I DID buy him is a waffle maker. He has fallen in love with Liege waffles and this waffle maker supposedly makes nice, fluffy waffles. 

Pearl Sugar: My (very limited) understanding of Liege waffles is that they contain pearl sugar, so I got a bag of pearl sugar for my husband’s stocking. 

Woodworking Kit: My dad and Carla have been doing a decent amount of woodworking together. My dad showed her how to use a drill and a saw and they made some elaborate creations together. So Carla circled a bunch of woodworking kits in the Mindware catalogs we get biweekly this time of year. I think my dad is putting together his own version of a kit for her, which I think is so adorable. 

This list feels incomplete while at the same time being overly long, but this is what I have! What are the hot ticket Christmas items for the people in your life?

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We have come to the portion of Moving Into a New House where we are considering buying some new furniture. We have plenty of furniture, from the old house, but there are a few things that are missing from our collection. Plus, there are a few things that we’d prefer to replace because they just aren’t right for the current space.

The thing is, we have never really had to buy furniture before. We are deeply spoiled: most of the furniture in our house was handed down to us by my husband’s parents, who have moved several times over the years and who accompanied each move with gifts of furniture. Hand-me-downs from my in laws include two couches, two loveseats, an armchair, a kitchen table, The Piece, a desk, some filing cabinets, a baby grand piano, and lots of artwork. I know. We are very, very lucky.

This means that, aside from purchasing two bedroom sets and assorted furniture for our child, we have no experience buying furniture. But… buying furniture is kind of hard? And unpleasant? Like, how many couches do you have to sit on before you decide that THIS ONE is the right combination of firm and comfortable, that it is formal enough for the space, that it will fit in the room, that the quality is good, that the price is reasonable? And then you have to choose the fabric?! Yikes.

In an instance of great good fortune, my friend Jen (HI JEN) happened to send me a photo of her couch (it wasn’t really of her couch, it was of her beautiful and charming children), and I asked about it (because it looked comfy but also aesthetically pleasing) and she gave me the details. And THEN our local Macy’s had several of the very same couch IN STOCK. There was only one person working in the entire Macy’s so my husband and daughter and I were able to sit on all the different options and examine the different sectional combinations and look at all the fabric samples completely unbothered by salespeople or other customers. With Jen’s assurance that this couch is a good couch, and the evidence of our own sitting, we are now going to order this couch. SO. That’s one big thing to check off the list.

But we have other furniture needs and I don’t really know where to begin. You have Furniture Opinions, yes? Because I need your input please.

  • Where do you get lamps? We have looked at Target, and the lamps are… limited, and also a lot of them look kind of cheap. I am aware that Target does HAVE perfectly acceptable lamps; our old bedside table lamps were from Target, and they lasted a long time and I liked them just fine. We would not be looking for new beside table lamps had I not broken mine during the move. I have been suffering for my sins, lampless, since August. I looked at Crate and Barrel for lamps and it seems like you can’t get a lamp for less than $100, which is far more than I feel like I want to spend on a lamp. So maybe my question is not, “where do you get lamps?” but “where do you get nice, sturdy, aesthetically pleasing lamps that aren’t a million dollars?”
This lamp costs $350! $350!!!!!!
  • What is the deal with slipcovers? My husband and I had a hand-me-down loveseat in our bedroom for twelve years. Neither of us noticed until now that the loveseat is wearing a slipcover. The slipcover is not, as I would have assumed, covering anything; I would have thought you would have purchased a slipcover to conceal a fabric you no longer liked, for instance. But now that we KNOW, we feel like we might want to get a new slipcover. One that is more our style. That is as far as I’ve gone with this line of thinking because I don’t really know where to go next. And also, are we stuck with the skirt part?
Sheesh this is a terrible photo. And I couldn’t even straighten the cushions before taking the picture? YIKES. P.S. The side table is a hand-me-down and I hate it so much. I can’t even articulate why. I just HATE IT. But it has utility so I haven’t yet donated it. The lamp in this photo came from World Market, which no longer exists in our city.
  • Do you have a yoga mat you’d recommend? Does a yoga mat count as furniture? Let’s pretend it does for the sake of not wanting to revise the post title. One of my favorite parts of the new house is a dedicated room for exercise. But the flooring is Very Hard; my princessy bones have apparently grown accustomed to working out on a yoga mat on top of a plush carpet, and my tailbone and shoulder blades scream at me if I try to work out on a yoga mat on top of the floor. My solution was to get a nice thick yoga mat from Amazon. But, while the new mat is technically thicker than my old yoga mat, the material is much squishier, so it is not any more comfortable than what I already have. I tried to stack the yoga mats, one on top of each other, but they slide around. What I really want is a GIANT yoga mat that is also thick. Does such a thing exist? Rephrase: Does such a thing exist for under a million dollars?
Another terrible photo! And the floor is so dirty! Mainly because we had boxes filling this room until three days ago. But also because it is surprisingly difficult to clean this kind of flooring. Also, my husband and I discovered that the bottoms of his shoes, which are highlighter yellow, are shedding when he walks on the treadmill, leaving two yellowish tracks on the treadmill belt and a film of yellow dust on the floor. So weird.

Those are the most pressing furniture questions I have at the moment. Don’t even get me started on end tables. I think we’ll need at least one – maybe two – for the upstairs living room. We will also need couches and chairs and a rug for that space, but we’re living with our old hand-me-down couch and no rug for now. I don’t have the mental fortitude for ordering more than one couch at a time.

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One of the few only FUN things about buying a new house is designing all the new spaces. And it has been (mainly) fun to pick out paint colors and new flooring. But what I am really excited about is making these new rooms match up to the vision in my mind.

I think my daughter’s room will be the first room to be the most finished. We are in the process of painting her walls, which is very exciting, and then we can decorate her bedroom.

Some point last spring, Carla decided that her favorite color was no longer black, it’s turquoise. Which thrills me, by the way. Not that buying all-black clothing didn’t have a lot of benefits. But I love the color turquoise and I’m really excited that she loves such a fun, vibrant color.

Since she’s on the cusp of teenagery (gulp!), I am also hoping that we can decorate her room in a way that feels fun and Age Ten Appropriate, but will easily transition into the teen years with her.

For the wall colors, we are going with black and white. Yes, I know I just said that Carla’s favorite color is no longer black. But when my husband and I were going to open houses last spring, we saw a teen bedroom that was TO DIE FOR and we immediately knew that Carla would love it. So one wall of Carla’s room will be black and the rest of the walls will be bright white. All of her existing furniture (desk, bed, dresser, and bookcase) are white. And then we’ll accent everything with turquoise.

The only problem with turquoise, I find, is that there are so many varieties of the color. Where does aqua begin and turquoise end? I do not know. So finding colors that match is tricky. Finding colors that coordinate is less tricky, but it does seem like there are opportunities for clashing.

Here’s sort of what the paint result will look like (except her room is bigger than this space, so there’s more white than in this photo):

image from home-designing.com

Now for the fun part. All the accessories that will make her room super cool and cozy!

Bedding: Getting Carla a new comforter and pillowcases is going to be the easiest way to add color to her room. I love this duvet cover: simple and vibrant.

image from amazon.com

But this duvet cover is so fun. I love how colorful it is. I wonder if Carla would think it’s too babyish?

image from amazon.com

If she prefers a solid color, I also like this option, but the color may be a little too intense.

image from macys.com

Oh wow, I am in love with the soft color and amazing texture of this quilt set.

image from pbteen.com

I also think it might be fun to have some black throw pillows (with inserts).

image from amazon.com

Oooh… or these pillow cases are furry!

image from amazon.com

This throw/blanket is super pretty. I realize none of these things work together, but… I will figure that out in time.

image from target.com

Desk: Carla’s old desk is a remnant from the pandemic. It worked great for her during Zoom School, and she has used it plenty for drawing, but now it’s time to get her a real Big Kid desk.

I like this desk a lot, but the price tag makes me want to die.

image from pbteen.com

This is a smaller version of the same desk, but it also seems WAY TOO EXPENSIVE for what it is.

image from pbteen.com

This desk is much more budget friendly, although I have no experience of buying things from Wayfair.

image from wayfair.com

Desk Chair: I love this turquoise desk chair. We will probably have to get a plastic chair mat/carpet protector to go under it though, since it has wheels.

image from amazon.com

This desk chair is cute and seems a little more pre-teen-ish than the other option. No arms though… which is good for practicing the guitar, but I’m not sure if it’s great for studying?

image from wayfair.com

Or she can use the ball chair that we got her during the remote learning days. It’s a very light turquoise (much lighter than the image leads you to believe), so it still works with the color scheme.

image from amazon.com

Lighting: I love this aqua desk lamp, although it is sadly out of stock.

image from wayfair.com

Here’s a sort of similar lamp from Bed Bath & Beyond.

image from bedbathandbeyond.com

I like the unusual shape of this lamp’s base.

image from wayfair.com

While I am mostly opposed to elaborate light fixtures because they seem like a dust-attracting nightmare, this black beaded chandelier is pretty cool.

image from amazon.com

For a less dust-magnetic option, this stained-glass style fixture is pretty and different.

image from lampsplus.com

This bedside table lamp is really fun, although I don’t know if I love the wooden base.

image from amazon.com

Comfy Seating: I think Carla would get a big kick out of this beanbag chair. I can picture her curling up in it to read.

image from amazon.com

From a practicality-meets-cute standpoint, I am loving this futon. It’s the right color, it folds up into a chair, but it can fold out into a twin bed for the inevitable future sleepovers. Or at the very least, her cousin can use it when she visits us for holidays.

image from amazon.com

I also like this armchair. Is it maybe a little too grown up?

image from amazon.com

Wall Décor: I think it will be useful to break up the white walls a bit with some pops of color.

I LOVE this backlit mirror, although there is no way it will fit our budget. (We do not yet have a budget for Carla’s room; this is just the brainstorming, anything goes, phase.) (Why are mirrors so $$$$$?)

image from pbteen.com

A full-length mirror would be more practical than a pricey wall mirror. This one is the right color (though not in stock); I will keep looking.

image from amazon.com

This clock is cool. Perhaps it would inspire Carla to be on time more often??? I can’t deal with clocks because the ticking sound overwhelms me, but a) I am probably an anomaly and b) this is supposed to be a quiet, tick-free clock.

image from amazon.com

I don’t quite know how I will feel about these wall decals in practice, but they are COOL and the exact right colors and I bet Carla would love tossing them up on one of her walls.

image from amazon.com

Here’s another thing that seems cool as an idea, but I’m not sure I’d love it in reality: a custom neon wall sign. This one has an ice blue option that seems like it would color coordinate with Carla’s room… but… what would it say? Where would it go? Would there be unsightly cords all over the place?

image from etsy.com

I am in love with these wall butterflies. But I’m betting they collect a lot of dust.

image from amazon.com

Curtains: The new house came with blinds on all the windows, so window are pretty much already covered (pun), but… It might be fun to have black blackout curtains???? I mean, how dramatic are these?!

image from amazon.com

Or oh my gosh, these ombre blackout curtains are SO FUN. Pretty and breezy and cool.

image from pbteen.com

Towels: I would also love to get Carla a set of new towels. Turquoise… but maybe also a set of purple ones? For guests? (Her bathroom will be pale purple.)

image from amazon.com

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I seem to have a bit of a NaBloPoMo hangover, and I MISS EVERYONE.

It is early and I am awake, so here’s some Randomosity for you this Sunday morning:

  • I have yet to put up a single Christmas decoration.
  • However, Carla and I have begun reading Christmas stories. She rejected the Christmas countdown reading calendar, which makes me sad. Her reasoning was that she doesn’t like being “forced” to read things, which… girl. It’s a paper calendar. We can have the calendar and color it and ignore every single word on it and no one will know or care. But she hasn’t really figured out the line between Follow The Rules and Some Rules Can Be Bent yet, and I suppose for now it’s better that she leans to the left on this one. 
  • I’ve collected a few books from the library but for now I am reading The Best Christmas Pageant Ever by Barbara Robinson to her. She seems to enjoy it so far – it is quite humorous. I had forgotten that there’s quite a long section about making fun of fat kids, which is so gross. I feigned a coughing attack while I quickly skimmed the text until I got to a less objectionable passage. “Wow, you should win a world record for that,” Carla remarked. I’m not sure she meant I should win a world record for the subterfuge or for the coughing attack, although I hope she meant the latter.
  • It’s not typical that I censor my kid’s books. Sometimes I read her things that were once, unbelievably, acceptable and use them as Instructive Moments. But sometimes I just want to read a book to my kid. 
  • We’ve had a nicely Christmassy weekend so far. Yesterday, we delivered the letter she wrote to Santa; there’s a special mailbox in a nearby town and we go there every year. Sometimes, an elf will send her a letter in return which I think is so magical. Then we bought a gift for a friend and a couple of gifts for her cousin. Afterward, we came home and watched two Christmas movies, back to back. 
  • The first movie was Spirited, starring Octavia Spencer and Will Ferrell and Ryan Reynolds. I was not looking forward to it, I’ll be honest. First of all, it’s a new take on A Christmas Carol. Secondly, it’s a musical which is not usually my favorite genre. But it was so cute. I ended up loving it. It was a fresher version of the story than I’ve seen before, plus the songs were really cute and catchy. And there was a nice wholesome Christmassy message. Also: Octavia Spencer. She was a secondary character, which is a misuse of her considerable talent, but she kicked butt in the role and is just so adorable. It wasn’t quite appropriate for Carla, but it worked out okay. 
  • After that, Carla watched The Nightmare Before Christmas and I played games on my phone and then made us all cheese and cracker plates for dinner. An ideal Saturday. 
  • Once Carla went to bed, I watched Game NightI think I read about this on a list of “Best Family Movies to Watch at Thanksgiving,” but then realized quickly that it wasn’t appropriate for a) children or b) watching with one’s parents. (This was an accurate assessment.) But as soon as I read about it, I needed to see it. How did I miss it when it came out in 2018? Jason Bateman! Kyle Chandler! Sharon Horgan! Chelsea Peretti! Jeffrey Wright! Other people! It’s about a game night gone horribly wrong and it was thoroughly entertaining. (My husband had no interest in watching it. His loss.) Kirsten Dunst’s husband (Jesse Plemons) was in it as well, playing a wonderfully creepy neighbor. It was not the best movie I’ve ever watched, but it was amusing and entertaining. There was a very uncomfortable scene with a gun, where the characters thought it was fake but it was real, and there was a scene where people seemed like they might vomit, and since those are things that I would want to know before I watch a movie I am sharing them with you now.
  • Maybe it’s clear that I’ve been trying to distract myself. I think I’m in the middle of losing one of my oldest and dearest friends. I’ve tried to write about it a few times, because it’s been at the forefront of my mind for a couple of months now. But it always comes out so maudlin. Plus, it makes it seem like I don’t realize that a) relationships of all sorts end for a variety of reasons, or b) both parties rarely get a say in the dissolution of a relationship. Plus plus, you only get my side, and of course I think that I should be forgiven, that my friend is misreading the situation or overreacting or not giving me the benefit of the doubt, that my friend is placing too much weight on third party interpretation of the inciting event, that I should be given another chance… which isn’t fair. (And doesn’t everyone feel that way, when they are the cause of a breach?) The thing is, I don’t think I can do anything about it. I’ve done what I can: I apologized, I tried to listen and improve, I’ve tried to show that I still value and want our friendship while trying not to put too much pressure on my friend to forgive and forget. I can’t do anything else. If my friend decides our relationship is unsalvageable, well. I can’t salvage it. I know all this, and yet it’s agonizing and deeply, horribly sad. So. Distraction. 
  • What is everyone watching, TV-wise, these days? My husband and I are between shows. We just finished Dahmer, which was okay – I was appalled to learn how he targeted gay men and men of color, because that was one aspect of the horror he perpetrated that has somehow eluded me. I appreciated that the series tried to devote time to telling the stories of some of the victims, and found their stories very moving. Niecy Nash was amazing in her role. But it also felt like a) there was too much effort to make a serial killer seem sympathetic or blameless for his actions and b) the show was aware how exploitative it was and yet barreled ahead anyway. I am more than ready for something new.
  • We also recently started watching Station Eleven, after I loved the book so much. The first two episodes have me actively disliking the show, though. They are just too different from the book. I should have waited a bit longer before watching the show, I guess – until the plot isn’t quite so fresh in my mind. Right now, I keep getting very huffy and impatient and “that’s not what happened!” I am sure it is a joy to watch it with me. Everything I’ve heard about it is that the show is really good, though, so I want to give it a chance. 
  • My husband sent me an article that made a compelling argument for watching 1899It’s about a mysterious ship, people. Enough said. At least, that’s enough for me to want to watch it. 
  • To deviate from TV talk, I bought myself a pair of leggings from Loft on Black Friday. They are SO soft and I love them. So much that I wore them two days in a row. But by the end of the second day, the inner thighs were all pilly and gross. So disappointing. I get that my thighs are generous, but a pair of pants should last more than two days, I think.
  • I have to go to a holiday party. It’s for my husband’s work, and I get that it’s important for his staff etcetera, but I don’t wanna. Aside from the fact that I don’t like people, I don’t really know any of his colleagues or staff. Plus, I don’t know what to wear. My husband thinks I can just wear any old thing, although my instinct is, of course, to shop my way out my anxiety. Probably what I will do is wear black dress pants and a black blouse or maybe a burgundy sweater I bought more than a year ago for the only other dressy public event I’ve attended since 2019. 
  • But what I WANT to do, aside from exchanging my body and face for someone else’s, is to buy clothes that will transform me into a stylish woman who is at-ease around other humans. Something sparkly would be nice. 
  • In other Things I Am Shopping For news, I am on the hunt for a pair of comfortable boots I can wear while walking in the snow. Note that I did not say “snow boots,” although I wouldn’t be opposed to snow boots. But maybe what I am looking for is a pair of hiking boots? I have a pair of snow boots, and they are warm and comfortable enough, but if I walk around in them for any amount of time they chafe at my heels. A friend and I have pledged to walk every Monday, and another friend and I have pledged to walk on a less regular basis but still outside. So I need good, quality footwear that won’t hurt my feet and will keep them warm and dry.
  • This is where I say quietly that my feet have been feeling a teeny bit better. I have been babying them for a long time, and then I went for a walk with Friend 2 from the previous paragraph and we ended up walking for nearly five miles. My feet were in agony when I got home, but I stretched them as I do daily, and the next day they felt better than they have in months. So I have made an effort to go for some long walks this week – once for about an hour outside and another time for 90 minutes on my treadmill. I’m not saying I’m cured or anything, but I am cautiously optimistic. Maybe what my feet have been telling me all along is to get off my rear and WALK already. 
  • The other thing I have been doing is wearing shoes in the house. They are brand new shoes that have never seen the light of day, but it still feels very strange to wear shoes IN the house. My dad (who noted matter-of-factly that the only real solution for plantar fasciitis is time, and that no single solution works for everyone) (I was already gloomily getting that sense from everyone’s comments) recommended that I start wearing them. Also, NGS mentioned that she never goes barefoot. I really LIKE going barefoot, but I also like walking around without pain so…
  • We have been enjoying our Christmas countdown calendars. My husband got the three of us a No Exit calendar, because we like the mystery games. We have to solve little puzzles every day to figure out which door to open up next. Carla got a Jurassic World calendar, and each day she gets a new little figurine. She has two dinosaurs so far and a little person; she isn’t awake yet so I don’t know what she’ll get today. 
  • It’s rare that I’m awake before Carla on a weekend. She can sleep straight through her alarm during the week, but on the weekend when we have nothing to do, she’ll wake up at 6:00 or 7:00 sharp when some internal mechanism reminds her that she can watch TV. But I have been having trouble sleeping lately; I keep waking up too early and not being able to fall back to sleep. Sometimes I just go through phases, but this morning I blame the wind and sadness. 
  • Carla and I are trying to come up with some fun things to do over winter break. So far I have “make zimtsterne and sufganiyot.” I also want to make cranberry crumble bars. Carla and I have tossed around the idea of making chocolates, which was my tradition with my dad when I was a kid and has been something I’ve done inconsistently with Carla. But… there should be other items on the agenda besides baking, probably? What kinds of fun plans do you have for the winter holidays? Are there any traditions you like to do each year? 
  • My mother-in-law arrives this afternoon. The house is clean, but could use a quick tidy. We are going out to dinner tonight, so I don’t have to worry about making anything. But I should probably go give Carla’s bathroom a quick once-over and set out the guest towels so it feels fresh. Then perhaps I will address holiday cards and listen to Christmas music.

Well, that’s all I have for you on this blustery first Sunday in December. How is your weekend going so far?

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For hundreds more gift ideas, you can find previous years’ gift guides here.

I got cocky, friends. Because my parents were here for Thanksgiving, I made sure all their gifts had arrived and were wrapped so they could take them home when they left. It felt good, being so ahead of the game, so prepared. 

My husband and I are giving each other the gift of new Apple watches this year, so that was done and dusted as well. Plus, I got him a few other little things just so he’d have some surprises to open. 

Riding high on all this advance gifting, I completely forgot that I have many other people to buy gifts for. Including Carla. So my old friend Holiday Panic has once again arrived on my doorstep. My problem is not lack of ideas. I collect ideas all year long, and label them with the person I have bookmarked them for. Plus, everyone on my husband’s side sends wish lists, which makes things simpler. And yet… I overthink! And hem and haw. And then once I am finally settled on what I think the gifts should be, I present them to my husband and he weighs in. (Is this an ideal system? No. And yet it is the one we must work with.)

Right now, I have completed the information gathering stage of the gift-giving process and am in the contemplation stage. Below are things I’m considering for some of the folks on my list but haven’t yet purchased. If you are still in the information gathering stage for one or more of your gift recipients (or for yourself!), I hope these ideas offer a little inspiration.

Cotton Candy Machine: Santa is bringing this for Carla. While my husband and I are not particularly pleased (do we really need more sugar? won’t everything be sticky?) we are not arguing with Santa, especially because neither of us can think of any other appropriate “big” gift. Also because this will DELIGHT Carla. Sigh. Of course, the flossing sugar is sold separately, so Santa will have to bring that too. Image from amazon.com

Monopoly: Speaking of gifts I am getting Carla even though it makes me cranky. This is one of the worst games of all time (only topped by Life, in my opinion) but Carla has been asking for it for years. There are also all sorts of different branded versions of Monopoly, which I don’t understand? Star WarsFriendsUnicorns and Llamas? So I am just going with the ol’ standard. Can’t wait to play. Nope – change of plans. My husband wants us to get her the Sparkle version. That is what we’ll do. Now concludes way too much thinking about Monopoly. Image from amazon.com

The Violin Conspiracy by Brendan Slocumb: This came out way back in February, but it seems like it would appeal to both of my parents so I bought it for them to share. Image from amazon.com

Chocolate Bees: CHOCOLATE BEES. Image from johnandkiras.com

Mayhem in Library Puzzle: My husband is a puzzle fan extraordinaire, so obviously I will get him a puzzle. But which one? This one looks fun and challenging. Image from amazon.com

The Sunny City Puzzle: Probably I will get him this one, which is the third in Series One of the Magic Puzzles. (He has done the other two in Series One.) He really loves these “mystery” puzzles. Image from amazon.com

Beyond the Kelp Puzzle: Or maybe I will get him another Odd Pieces puzzle. He loved the Turbo 3000 one, which is a mystery in a different way from the Magic Puzzles. Image from amazon.com

Dog Park Puzzle: Okay, this is the last of the puzzles. But it is SO CUTE. I love the bright happy colors. Does it matter if I love it, considering you breeze in every few days to add one piece and then breeze out? you ask. Well, no. Except that the puzzles live in my dining room until they are complete, so it’s nice when they are aesthetically pleasing. Image from amazon.com

Library Tote: This is so cute. I have a friend in mind who would love this. Image from etsy.com

Telestrations: We already own this – I bought it immediately after reading about Allison’s experience playing it – but it is SO fun. Carla loves it. It’s like telephone meets Pictionary. According to my husband, it is more of an activity than a game, but it’s really enjoyable and one of the few games that works for elementary-age kids as well as adults. Image from amazon.com

Petite Zebra Garden: Who doesn’t love a succulent? This one is so pretty! Image from lulasgarden.com

Barbie Hatch and Gather Egg Farm Playset: Carla professes to still love Barbies, and how much longer will toys appeal to her anyway? So I am leaning toward getting this set for her. She really likes the tiny Barbie animals better than the dolls anyway. Image from amazon.com

Squishmallow: I do not get Squishmallows, aside from how soft and cuddly they are, but they are all the rage with the fourth grade set this year.  Image from amazon.com

It’s Raining Pigs and Noodles by Jack Prelutsky: Carla loves poems, and this was one of the books we were considering for her birthday but didn’t end up getting.  Image from amazon.com

Runny Babbit by Shel Silverstein: Here’s another book of poems that Carla would love (she is an avid Silverstein fan).  Image from amazon.com

Cat Lamp: Carla would love this because she hates falling asleep in a dark room, but it would also be perfect for younger kids (or adults!). Image from amazon.com

Killers of a Certain Age by Deanna Raybourn: My parents love mysteries, and they both got a kick out of the Thursday Murder Club books… this seems kind of along the same lines and sounds fun. Image from amazon.com

Electric Wine Opener: I got one of these as part of a Fab, Fit, Fun box, and I LOVE IT. So easy to use, no broken corks. I think my parents and in-laws need one of these. Image from markandgraham.com

Jean Jacket: If you happen to have a child with a temperament similar to Carla’s, I HIGHLY RECOMMEND this jacket. It is cute and durable and my child has worn it to school nearly every day since I bought it for her in September. Yes, she wears it under her winter coat. She says it makes her feel like a rockstar.  Image from amazon.com

Joan Jett T-Shirt: I really, really want to get Carla this T-shirt. Wouldn’t it go great under her jean jacket? But it’s not in her size and I think the adult version would be too big. Image from etsy.com

The Revolutionary: Samuel Adams by Stacy Schiff: My mother is a history buff and also loves biographies, so this was a shoo-in for her gift this year.  Image from amazon.com

Go Away I’m Writing Socks: My writer friend and I both need a pair of these. Image from redbubble.com

Devotions by Mary Oliver: Thanks to Nicole’s effusive mentions of these poems, I am in possession of this book and it is wonderful. Also, it is UNDER TEN DOLLARS (at the writing of this post), alert alert!  Image from amazon.com

Mary Oliver Sweatshirt: Words to live by. While reading your new copy of Devotions. Image from etsy.com

Animal Drawing Set and Digital Art Lessons: My kiddo loves to draw, and she really likes things with an online instruction component. I think this would be right up her alley. Image from amazon.com

Hey Clay: Along similar lines, these little sculpting kits (also with a digital instructive element) were a huge hit with Carla when she was slightly younger. So if you have a kid who likes crafting/sculpting who also likes to follow instructions, this is a gift you need to buy. Image from amazon.com

Sunrise Alarm ClockYou know I love a practical gift, and I am very weary of a) waking up before my alarm because Carla’s is blaring and she is blissfully sleeping right through it and b) having to go through the very long and touchy process of dragging Carla out of sleep. This will solve all our problems, surely? Image from amazon.com

SoulKu Necklace: This might be the opposite of practical, but I absolutely adore these gorgeous necklaces, imbued with things like confidence, self-esteem, or courage. Image from soulku.com

Remote Control Tarantula: Carla has been begging for one of these for at least two years. I am so reluctant to get one for her (I sense lots of jump scares in my future), but she has asked for so few things this year! Image from scientificsonline.com

Bubble Machine: Carla still loves bubbles and would enjoy this so much… although this feels like it would be more appropriate for her birthday when she can go outside and use the thing right away. Image from amazon.com

Baseball Stadium Pint Glasses: I feel like this is the kind of thing I look at with interest for every opportunity I have to buy gifts for my husband, and never end up actually buying it. But here I am again, looking at it with interest. Image from uncommongoods.com

Robot Kit: Carla has been asking for a robot – one that will do her bidding, specifically; LOL good luck Carla – so this is the one my parents are getting for her. My husband and I are getting the same one for our niece so the girls can take over the world together. Image from makeblock.com

Cookbook: Nagi is one of my go-to food bloggers. I have never made a recipe of hers that I didn’t LOVE, and plenty of her recipes are things I make over and over. This cookbook would make a terrific gift for the foodie in your life. Image from amazon.com

Wireless Meat Thermometer: My husband got me this thermometer awhile back and it is AMAZING. We used both probes this year to cook the turkey, and the turkey was cooked perfectly and on time for the first time ever. My mother-in-law requested something similar, so I think this is a good candidate for her gift. Image from amazon.com

Fish Plate: This plate is gorgeous, and speaks to me as a Pisces. Image from goodeeworld.com

Butterfly Wings: I saw these and thought they were so fun and beautiful, and then it struck me that Carla has probably outgrown this kind of thing. That makes me really sad, but maybe her cousin would still find them magical. Image from mindware.com

Cooking Challenge Kit: We are big fans of Master Chef Jr. and British Bake Off Junior around here. I bet Carla would enjoy cooking up her own challenge creations. Image from mindware.com

Peanut Butter Sampler: My husband adores peanut butter, so of course I had to get him a sampler from Off Beat Butters. Image from cleansimpleeats.com

Jam Sampler: Peanut butter makes me think of jam, and jam makes me think of having a jam plan, and I am sure Monica Geller would agree that jams make good gifts. This sample from New Canaan Farms looks fancy. (Would make a good hostess gift, too.) Image from newcanaanfarms.com

Origami Kit: Paper crafts are a perennial favorite around here. Image from amazon.com

Hair Chalk Salon: Carla would LOSE HER MIND over this. She loves hair chalk (I, however, do not). Image from amazon.com

Beer Can Glass: There’s something I find very simple and elegant about this glass-shaped-like-a-beer-can. Image from crateandbarrel.com

Sweatshirt Weather Candle: I love this candle, but even more fun is looking at all the other irreverent and ballsy options on That Gay Guy Candle Company’s website.  Image from thatgayguycandlecompany.com

Fujifilm Instax 11:  This little camera is on my niece’s wish list this year. How adorable is it?! Image from target.com

Instax Carrying Case: Now the question of whether you get the carrying case and camera in the same colors, or different ones… Hmm… Image from amazon.com

Schitt’s Creek Earrings: My sister-in-law wears fun earrings, so I got her some from a show we both like.  Image from etsy.com

Illustrated Version of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets by J. K. Rowling: We got Carla the entire set of these beautiful books a few years ago and she loved them. Perhaps my niece would be interested as well? Image from amazon.com

Pocket MicroscopeI don’t know exactly what Carla or her cousin would use this for, but I bet they would come up with something wonderful.  Image from amazon.com

Bug Vacuum: I don’t know why Carla wants this, but she asked for it specifically. And honestly, if she plans to take over our in-home bug removal, I am not standing in her way. Image from amazon.com

Gratitude Journal: This one is extremely irreverent, but it makes me giggle. I have a couple of people in my life who would really enjoy this. Image from amazon.com

Def Leppard Artistry Palette: Lovely reader Allison R. asked me for advice on makeup for the tween set… and I am sorry to say that my advice is “rely on people who know makeup.” A friend got this makeup palette for Carla, probably because of the leopard on the front. Carla LOVES it. We have lots of talks about appropriate times/venues for wearing makeup when you are NINE. Image from revolutionbeauty.us

Hot for Hue Artistry Palette: Another friend, whose daughter is very into makeup now (she is NINE), got this little palette for Carla. It lives in the uppermost regions of my linen closet with all of Carla’s makeup, because she loves it a little too enthusiastically.  Image from ulta.com

Paradise on Ice Palette: This palette is made specifically for kids, and I have purchased it in the past for Carla’s makeup-loving friends.  Image from petitenpretty.com

Makeup Starter Kit: This looks like it would be perfect for a makeup fan who’s a little younger than Carla – five or six, maybe.  Image from kleenaturals.com

Butterfly Oasis: Carla would love this, and I bet my mother would too. Image from uncommongoods.com

Bud Vase: I feel very strongly that you or I need to own this. Image from anthropologie.com

Treasury of Egyptian Mythology: My niece is really into mythology right now, and I think she’d love this (she is a huge fan of Cleopatra). Image from amazon.com

D’Aulaires’ Book of Greek Myths: This was a book I checked out from the library over and over when I was a kid, and I bought it for Carla two years ago. Maybe my niece needs it too! Image from amazon.com

Lap Desk: I have one of these (although mine is nowhere near as pretty) and love it, and Carla saw one recently and mentioned she might like one. Why not?  Image from amazon.com

Slippers: My husband’s only slippers are a pair of giant hairy bear feet (which, of course, are delightful). I think he might wear these more frequently. Image from nordstrom.com

Comfy Wearable Blanket: My daughter got me one of these as a gift several years ago but she is the one who wears it near-daily in the cold months. It is bigger than she is and she swears it is the most comfortable thing ever. Image from amazon.com

Wearable Throw: And here is the elegant, upscale version of the Comfy. Image from nordstrom.com

Friendship Bracelet Kit: This was on my niece’s wishlist. Second grade is definitely when friendship bracelet fever began in our house, peaking in third grade. Image from amazon.com

Smartphone Photo Vault: While I have to admit I didn’t realize Sharper Image was still around, I think I may end up getting this for my mother-in-law. Image from sharperimage.com

All the Broken Places by John Boyne: My father-in-law is – as are we all, right? – a huge John Boyne fan. I think he needs the author’s newest book. Image from amazon.com

Undelivered: The Never-Heard Speeches That Would Have Rewritten History by Jeff Nussbaum: This is another one that sounds right in my father-in-law’s wheelhouse. Image from amazon.com

Nail Stamper: This is so cute and looks like so much fun. Image from amazon.com

Interesting Facts for Curious Minds: Carla got a book of random questions at her school book fair this fall, and loved it. I think she’d enjoy this just as much.  (Or we can wait until Volume 2 of the random questions series comes out in January.) Image from amazon.com

Chocolate Melting Pot: I’m not sure what my mother-in-law has in mind for this wishlist item, but I would like to be involved. Image from amazon.com

Fender Sweatshirt: My guitarist husband needs this for sure. Image from kohls.com

Iconic Guitars T-Shirt: Or maybe this T-shirt.  Image from etsy.com

Personalized Guitar Picks: These picks are Carla’s gifts to her dad this year.  Image from etsy.com

Mobile Gaming Controller: Speaking of my husband: He recently – finally – got a PS5, and he would like this for gaming wherever we go. Image from amazon.com

Kid Spy Books: I really wish I had someone to buy these books for. Carla and her dad read them all last year and they were So Great. Full of humor and history and adventure and 80s references for us millennial parents. I keep hoping Mac Barnett will come out with a new one, but so far no dice. Image from amazon.com

The Three Billy Goats Gruff by Mac Barnett: There IS a new picture book – part of a new fairy tale series, apparently? – by the wonderful writer/illustrator team of Mac Barnett and Jon Klassen. How I wish we were still in the picture book phase!  Image from amazon.com

Odder by Katherine Applegate: Speaking of books I have already bought and want desperately to buy for someone else: this book-in-verse was a HUGE hit with Carla, whose favorite genre of books is Animal Centric Adventures with a Heartwarming Element. Image from amazon.com

A Wolf Called Wander by Roseanne Parry: This is another book that Carla absolutely adored. But she checked it out from the library, so we don’t own it. And it’s only $7… maybe I need to get her her own copy. (This is how a life of book overbuying begins, I suppose.) Image from amazon.com

Wolf Plush: And I could get her a wolf stuffie to go with the book!!!! My husband is never going to support this plan. Image from amazon.com

Frasier Fir Candle: I read somewhere that this is the ultimate Christmas-smelling candle.  Image from amazon.com

Tea, Book, and Oxford Commas MugI do not, under any circumstances, need another mug. But if I did, I would want this one.  Image from etsy.com

Working From Home Mug: Here is another mug that I do not need but would really enjoy. Maybe for my sister-in-law? Image from etsy.com

Work From Home Socks: She may also need these socks. Image from etsy.com

Treadmill Desk Attachment: I already own this one, but I love it (when I use it). (Treadmill not included.) Image from amazon.com

Space Heater: To round out the work-from-home essentials set, I own this space heater and it makes my office nice and cozy. Image from amazon.com

Turtle Fur Neck Warmer: This is one of the most boring gifts of all time, but I “borrowed” my brother’s turtle fur last year when we were skiing, and it may have come home with me. He’s getting a new one this year. Image from amazon.com

Book Safe: Carla is really into safes and hidey holes. This would be perfect her to store all her special treasures. Image from amazon.com

Grasping Mysteries: Girls Who Loved Math by Jeannine Atkins: Carla truly loves math this year (her teachers are ANGELS) and I want to encourage that in any way possible. Her cousin is another math fan; maybe I should order one for each kid. Image from amazon.com

Flannel Pajama Pants: My husband needs a new pair, these are – according to the NYTimes, the best. Image from llbean.com

Cat Bookends: Carla is running out of space on her bookshelves, and these would come in handy. Plus they are black (her favorite color) and cats (her favorite animal).  Image from amazon.com

Self-Watering Planter: This glass planter is quite a splurge, but it’s so simple and elegant (and practical!). Image from goodeeworld.com

Anastasia Again by Lois Lowry: Carla and I had such fun reading the first Anastasia book together, I know we’d enjoy the next in the series. Image from amazon.com

Fancy Hand Cream: If you know one thing about me, it’s that I love a good tea towel. If you know anything else, it’s that I ask for fancy hand cream every single year for Christmas. A friend of mine swears by this one. Image from ulta.com

That’s it for today, Internet! Lots to contemplate, lots to buy. Now I’m off to engage in the annual back-and-forth with my husband, wherein I try to buy everyone way more gifts than they need and he gently guides me toward a less intense outlay of gifts until we finally settle somewhere in the middle.

Where are you in your holiday shopping? (I know some people reading this are done! Kudos!!! I envy your foresight and decisiveness.) Who is the most difficult person on your gift list this year? What is one gift you KNOW you are buying (or have already purchased because you are better at planning ahead than I am)?

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For the past few years, I’ve been downloading the free reading calendars from Everyday Reading. I follow Janssen’s directions for printing a large “blueprint” size via Staples, and print one out each summer and each December and hang it on my kitchen wall.

At this point, I think I am doing it mainly for me rather than for Carla… but… at least right now that’s okay. 

(All About Me Aside: While I definitely encourage holiday reading each year to increase the magic quotient for Carla, I also do it for me. Last year, for the first time ever, I tried to read some adult Christmas books. I made a list based on recommendations from people I trust and adore… and then my experiment was a huge flop. I am not going to list them here because a) I’m pretty sure I mentioned them before, even though I can’t find it and b) I know all too sharply the feeling of betrayal and failure that accompanies recommending a book and having a friend/family member dislike/dismiss it. In this case, not liking these much-loved books made ME feel like the failure, I can assure you. Anyway. I want to try again this year, but I am recalibrating slightly by trying to find books that Carla and I can enjoy together.) 

Anyway: I am contemplating the December reading calendar and realizing that we may have finally outgrown our holiday book collection.

It’s not like I’m throwing them away or anything. I love our classic selection that includes things like Bear Stays Up for Christmas and Latke the Lucky Dog and beautifully illustrated versions of books like Oskar and the Eight Blessings and The Night Before Christmas. (I try, I really do, to inject some sort of religious element into this season, so we do talk about the story of Jesus’s birth and we discuss the miracle of the oil. We have a few books that lean more toward the religious, like Room for a Little One and Maccabee! The Story of Hanukkah, but most of our books are more secular in nature.)

All images below from amazon except where noted.

(Another Mainly About Me Aside: Hanukkah is not a major Jewish holiday, but since it overlaps with the Christmas season, I like to give it some prominence in our winter celebrations mainly to feel like we aren’t implying that one side of Carla’s heritage is more important than the other. This may matter to no one but me, but I am just making it up as I go along here.)

Onto the Book Search!

A few years ago I ordered one of my favorite Christmas chapter books – The Best Christmas Pageant Ever by Barbara Robinson – and read it to Carla. I don’t think she really enjoyed it as much as I did (although perhaps it will be more resonant this year). But what I want is more books like that. Good stories that evoke the spirit of the season and warm the heart. I don’t care if they are religious or secular, about Hanukkah or Christmas or any of the winter holidays we don’t personally celebrate but would be interested in exploring. My only stipulation is that I am trying to veer away from picture books this year. We have plenty, and I don’t know if they will appeal to my nine-and-a-half-year-old anymore. (Sob.)

During my search, it seems to me that there is quite a dearth of this very specific kind of books for Carla’s age range. But we shall persevere.

I got, as gifts, two books that might work: A Christmas Carol and Other Christmas Writings by Charles Dickens and A Little House Christmas Treasury by Laura Ingalls Wilder. I started reading the latter to Carla last year and I think it might be the right kind of thing. 

There is a collection by Louisa May Alcott I may need to own: Christmas Stories: 32 Classic Stories & Poems for the Young & Old.

Carla and I are going to see one of her friends in a performance of The Nutcracker. Maybe we should see if our library has a copy of Nutcracked by Susan Adrian to get in the proper frame of mind? (I personally think the entire Nutcrackerstory is… how can I put this tactfully… I can’t think of a way; suffice it to say that it doesn’t resonate with me particularly well but I do enjoy the music.) 

Matt Haig’s A Boy Called Christmas seems to pop up on “best Christmas books for tweens” lists. But I don’t know if it would appeal to Carla. On the other hand, if she does like it, there are two others in the series we could read. I’m adding it to the library holds list.

Carla is LOVING James Patterson’s Katt and Dogg books, so obviously Dog Diaries: Happy Howlidays: A Middle School Story is on the list.

I initially passed over this book because it strikes me as ridiculous, but… it gets good ratings and Carla does really love dinosaurs. So I am putting a hold on The Christmasaurus by Tom Fletcher as well. 

I completely forgot that The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis was a holiday book! I think I may have it knocking around in a dusty bookcase somewhere along with the rest of the series.

The Naughty List by Michael Fry (NOT to be confused with On the Naughty List, which looks like quite the steamy Christmas anthology) looks cute… although I am already growing weary of the “child travels to North Pole to correct a mistake, hijinks ensue” story line.

Reluctantly, I have ordered The Christmas Pig from the library (reluctant because I continue to feel morally uncomfortable about supporting the author). 

Perhaps The Last Holiday Concert would be a good one; I love Andrew Clements. 

How about a nice holiday mystery story? Pinky Bloom and the Case of the Magical Menorah by Judy Press looks very cute.

Oooh! A Nancy Drew Christmas by the pseudonymous Carolyn Keene sounds right up my alley. Not quite sure if Carla would enjoy it – she’s not as obsessed with mysteries as I am. But this story features a ski resort in one of our favorite states, so maybe that would win her over! Putting that one on hold for sure.

Along similar appeals-to-me-but-perhaps-not-to-Carla lines is The Very Merry Murder Club collection of “wintery crime and mystery stories.” Alas, it is not available at my library.

Would The Girl Who Ruined Christmas by Cindy Callaghan be a good option, I wonder? I could see Carla being turned off by the title… or possibly intrigued. And… is it too tween-y?

I like the sound of Father Christmas’s Fake Beard by Terry Pratchett – a collection of humorous stories.

Or maybe one of the Enid Blyton collections? Christmas Tales or Christmas Stories. And don’t they look like they are illustrated by Quentin Blake? (Amazon doesn’t say and I didn’t do any additional digging.)

As long as we are looking at short stories, I am going to add The Power of Light: Eight Stories for Hanukkah by Isaac Bashevis Singer to the list. It’s kind of old (published in 1980, before I was born!), and may be for a slightly more mature audience (amazon confusingly lists it as having a “reading age” of 4 years and up and a “grade level” of 7 through 9), but if I can find it, it could be worth a try. (Alas, our library does not have it. Perhaps I can find a good used copy from amazon or ThriftBooks. I remember with great fondness Singer’s short story collection When Shlemiel Went to Warsawbut that one isn’t available either.

This collection of stories about the winter solstice – Return of the Light: Twelve Tales from Around the World for the Winter Solstice – sounds really interesting. I love learning how people in countries other than mine celebrate winter.

Although it is yet another of the “child travels to the North Pole” genre, North Pole Patrol by J. C. Deelstra sounds like it has potential.

Okay, I know I said no picture books, but this illustrated version of O. Henry’s classic The Gift of the Magi looks stunning… and that’s a story I haven’t shared with Carla yet.

Eve Bunting’s One Candle also looks beautiful and the story sounds heartfelt.

Nostalgia for The Baby-Sitters Club books made me look twice at Ann M. Martin’s On Christmas Eve, but it sounds very heartwarming!

On an entirely different tone, Krampus and the Thief of Christmas by Eldritch Black sounds different and potentially interesting. Although I can’t tell if it is truly scary or not. Carla is not a huge fan of scary.

What am I missing? What are the Christmas/winter/winter holiday books you (and/or your kids) read every year? 

I have requested 8 books for Carla (and, honestly, for me) from the library and I have three books in my amazon cart. I also requested two Agatha Christies for myself: Hercule Poirot’s Christmas and Midwinter Murder: Fireside Tales from the Queen of Mystery, in the hopes that choosing books by an author I know and love will result in a higher Christmas-book enjoyment rate than I had last year. 

It seems as though I am doing NaBloPoMo this month, which is 30 blog posts in 30 days. (Will I make it??? Only time will tell.) Details at San’s blog here.

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